共聚焦拉曼光谱在皮肤研究中有诸多应用场景选择,包括皮肤成分分析,药物渗透监测和分析,皮肤病学中的诊断功能。未来,拉曼数据分析还可以结合人工智能实现更多跨场景应用,在临床及制药相关领域,无损分析与监测技术将会越来越受青睐。 参考文献:[1] Byrne, Hugh James and Bielfeldt, Stephan and Bonnier, Franck and Chourpa, Igor and Dancik, Yuri and Lane, Majella E. and Lunter, Dominique J. and Munnier, Emilie and Puppels, Gerwin and Tfayli, Ali and Ziemons, Eric, Monitoring Dermal Penetration and Permeation Kinetics of Topical Products; the Role of Raman Microspectroscopy. Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=4030268 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.4030268[2] Alvarez-Figueroa, M. & Narváez-Araya, Daniela & Armijo, Nicolás & Carrasco-Flores, Eduardo & González-Aramundiz, José. (2020). Design of Chitosan Nanocapsules with Compritol 888 ATO® for Imiquimod Transdermal Administration. Evaluation of Their Skin Absorption by Raman Microscopy. Pharmaceutical research. 37. 195. 10.1007/s11095-020-02925-6. 一站式CRO+CDMO服务